Thursday, June 3, 2010

Obama's Use of the Internet during 2008 Election

After I came up with my general idea for Chapter 11 of our textbook, I realized it isn't just media that has learned to use the Internet to its advantage; public figures can too. I was immediately reminded of an article I read on The New York Times (online, I might add) shortly after the election.

The article can be found here:
The article explains how Obama used advertising on websites such as YouTube or Facebook throughout the election to get his name transmitted out to the public. The last time a presidential nominee used a new medium to his advantage during an election was JFK, and he used the television. Journalists said that Obama's technique has changed politics forever.
I also found when I rediscovered the article that the majority of Obama's online forums and ads were targeted at 18-29 year-olds. Today we know this method was highly successful because an overwhelming majority of voters in this age range voted for Obama. According to MSNBC, youth voters preferred Obama by 30-68%, and they might have been the key to his win.
Obama's Internet campaign further underlines my point that working with the Internet is the best way of staying alive in today's media.

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