Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Advertisements and Women

In today's video we saw the growth of advertisements in the 1800s. I was really interested to see that the first women's deodorant ad used a method that is still used today. The tool is to send the message "if you don't use our product, you will never get a man." Here is a Proactive ad that I think most effectively sends that message.

Of course today the message is much more transparent, but it is still the same idea. This got me wondering why this message is so powerful. Is it really all that effective?


  1. This message is terrible! I think for teenagers, it would probably be very effective, sadly. They're already insecure; the added effect of advertisements like this only makes them more so. Of course they would turn to a product that promises to cure their acne out of desperation. I don't think this is a good way to advertise. There are other alternatives.

  2. I believe this is incredibly effective. Just the bold headlines alone draw attention to the ad. We don't realize how much advertising dictates our daily lives, from what we eat to what we wear to what we drive. Advertising was a huge player in the formation of social norms in the 1800's, and I think it's just as important today.

  3. I agree with the past two comments. I think the ad is very affective, but awful at the same time! I think it would give people the wrong idea. First of all, I think it insulates that you need a boyfriend. Although this is a very affective message, I think a lot of ads in this category have moved toward the trend of making you feel better about yourself and self-confidence. If you have seen the dove commercials, I think they are an uplifting approach to advertising. On the other hand if you want to make sure you cover all your bases and are able to influence everyone, it would probably be good to have both types of advertising.
